Description The NeoTech 1025MT is an attractively-priced, mainstream,
mid-weight headset for general-purpose classroom usage with
mobile devices. The 1025MT delivers performance at a cost-effective price for 1:1 learning, assessment testing and more. Its
audio playback is calibrated to enhance the tonal range of the
human voice in language learning and its noise-reducing boom
microphone captures a student’s verbal response - not their
neighbors, making it ideal for language learning, library uses
and in computer labs. Compatible with tablets, smartphones,
Chromebooks, laptop and desktop PCs & Macs, it provides
the versatility you need for BYOD and school-issued device
requirements in the classroom.
Speaker 40mm Mylar
Magnet Cobalt
Impedance 25 ohm ± 15 %
Frequency Response 20 ~ 20K Hz
Sound Pressure Level 100 db ± 3 db at 1 kHz
R/L Output Difference 3 dB
Distortion 5%
Volume Control Inline volume control
Cord 6’ braided straight cord with PVC jacket
Plug 3.5mm, nickel-plated, stereo,
4-conductor (TRRS)
Microphone Electret condenser
Directivity Unidirectional
Impedance 2.2K Ω (At 1K Hz)
Frequency Range 10Hz ~ 10K Hz
Sensitivity Std -45dB, min -48dB, max -42dB
Operating Voltage Std 1V, max 10V
Headband Adjustable, P.P. + leather headband pad
Earcups Noise-reducing, ABS plastic for durability
Earpads PU + sponge
Package Resealable storage bag
The NeoTech 1025MT is an attractively-priced, mainstream, id-weight headset for general-purpose classroom usage with obile devices. The 1025MT delivers performance at a cost-effective price for 1:1 learning, assessment testing and more. Its udio playback is calibrated to enhance the tonal range of the uman voice in language learning and its noise-reducing boom icrophone captures a student’s verbal response - not their eighbors, making it ideal for language learning, library uses nd in computer labs. Compatible with tablets, smartphones, hromebooks, laptop and desktop PCs & Macs, it provides he versatility you need for BYOD and school-issued device equirements in the classroom. peaker 40mm Mylar agnet Cobalt mpedance 25 ohm 15 % requency Response 20 ~ 20K Hz ound Pressure Level 100 db 3 db at 1 kHz /L Output Difference 3 dB istortion 5% olume Control Inline volume control ord 6’ braided straight cord with PVC jacket lug 3.5mm, nickel-plated, stereo, 4-conductor (TRRS) icrophone Electret condenser irectivity Unidirectional mpedance 2.2K (At 1K Hz) requency Range 10Hz ~ 10K Hz ensitivity Std -45dB, min -48dB, max -42dB perating Voltage Std 1V, max 10V eadband Adjustable, P.P. + leather headband pad arcups Noise-reducing, ABS plastic for durability arpads PU + sponge ackage Resealable storage bag
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